Technological advancements at I AM HEALER headquarters!
It's amazing how technology works. It's a wonderful "new" thing one day, and then the next thing we know, the same wonderful new gizmo returns us messages that what we are trying to do is "no longer supported by our system". The rate at which the new gizmos become obsolete is of staggering proportions. Advancements in technology require the best of us to keep up, or ship out. I have had the tremendous good fortune of having had a hand at dabbling with computers for a very long time now. So keeping up, I AM!
The first computer I worked with in 1984, took up an entire floor at Laurentian University (created by a federation of churches in 1957) that spit out reams of dot matrix printouts. Once every command in a program had individually been punched into a card with 1's and 0's, each card needed to be stacked in the precise order the commands needed to be executed by the computer, in order for it to carry out the required task. Learning ASKII, Cobol, Fortran, Basic programming languages in the process, the most frustrating thing about placing our programs into the card reader was that if one card was out of place in the stack, the entire program failed or it spit out gibberish on the reams of dot matrix printout. The most infuriating thing was to drop your stack of punched cards before you got them in the card reader. We went through trees like no tomorrow learning how to make 1's and zero's work their magic on the computer.
The first computer in our house was a recycled library computer an aunt, a librarian, had given my son to learn on. It was an Apple computer than operated on a bunch of floppy disks that served to teach him the logistics of computing. The last computer in my home was a MacBook that has traveled the world with me and served me extremely well since 2007. It still works fine - old school style, sort of like how old school DJ's used to have to carry a huge collection of vinyl with them everywhere they went to play their set, pulling one vinyl disk out at a time to load on to the decks throughout their gig, now the music can be accessed from a cloud, no vinyl, no disk, no anything required and BOOM we have sound!
That first computer, the one that took up the entire floor of the university, now fits in the palm of your hand.
Staggering proportions. We have come a long way baby!!
I am extremely grateful for the arrival of my new MacBook Pro as I launch deeper into the adventure of making/editing films for you to learn your self healing powers for yourself. The videos will be covering topics we are all concerned with like pain, congestion, circulation and stress release. We'll be demonstrating how to strengthen your physical, emotional, mind and spirit connections that is so sadly amiss in our world, even ridiculed by some.
As I lay it to rest and as grateful as I am for all of the wonderful years of great performance I got from my old Mac, I AM SO VERY thankful the twirling wheel that popped up as the old machine worked at crushing out the task at hand, interrupting in between typing and executing my simple keyboard commands, very frustrating indeed, sort of like being put on hold in mid sentence - over and over again, is all a thing of the past.
No more life interruptions waiting for technology to catch up to me, I AM catching up to it!
One last thing! We have a new camera on the way, so we'll be able to shoot great footage for you to better "see" by and also get together online and/or webinar about it all together in 2016! So sign up for the Newsletter on the right to get each new video when it is released to learn all about your own built in I AM HEALER!!
YOU are the ONE!