The Energy Reading


The Energy-Reading

We activate our I AM HEALER Ear-Boards by squeezing them with our fingers, sending communication along the Ear-Boards' hard wired electrical system - the nervous system. Once activated, the Ear-Boards simultaneously delete old programming systematically as easily as we delete a file from our hard drive. We can delete pain, limitation, anxiety and stress from our system, incredulous as it may seem, as easily AND as quickly as we delete unwanted information from our computer's hard drive. These deletions simultaneously free up space on our personal hard drive and makes room for any new information available to be uploaded. Programs like peace, harmony, joy, BLISS and AbunDance!

For maximum benefit it is best to be seated or reclined in a comfortable position. Never cross your arms or legs during the Readings or Install, it's sort of like crossing wires in your electrical system. Wash hands before and after Install.

Prior to activating our I AM HEALER Ear-Boards, before touching our ears at all, it is helpful to assess our starting state of wellness or imbalance to gauge our improvement from our current state of being through the Install and subsequent examinations. We can assess our present condition with two "Readings".

  • First a Visual Reading (covered in more detail in an upcoming Webinar)
  • Second an Energy Reading (described below)

Visual Reading 

Whether doing our own ears or others', the most efficient way to record our state of being is the take a photo of our ears. Place the camera on macro and shoot. It takes some practice to get good ear "selfies" but well worth it once we "see" the tracks of wear and tear on our entire body. This wear and tear is mapped out by every little bumps and blimps and nicks and crannies and whiteheads and blackheads, veins and capillaries overlaid your Ear-Boards and signifies something is going on elsewhere in our body. (Visual Ear Reading will be covered in an Ear-Board Reading Webinar I am working really hard to prepare for you - soon come!)

Energy Reading

After the Visual Reading is completed, the starting point of any Install is always to take an Energy Reading of our body’s energy patterns in the NOW. This reading is carried out using highly sensitive energy transmitting and receiving devices - your hands and your ears. That's right. There are magnets in each hand and in each ear that conduct energy similar to a magneto coil in an engine.

If you are unfamiliar with the energy transmission that occurs constantly throughout our body or the power we hold in our hands try this little experiment. Sitting with both feet flat, hold both hands out in front of you - palms facing each other. Keeping them about 3 inches - 8 cm - apart. Move your hands slowly apart then back together - back and forth for a few seconds. Pause, with hands close together, and feel the lines of energy between your palms. Feel the heat, the tingles? Now slowly move your palms further away from each other to see how far out you can go before you no longer feel the 'pull' of the energies. When the energies stop - move your palms back and forth slightly fanning in opposite directions and you should continue to feel the pull/heat/tingle of the energies. For some people this happens immediately, for others it takes time to recognize the changes in frequency. The more you practice, the better and more powerful you become at sensing energy pulsating with your hands.

Now you are ready to do an Energy Reading on your self. Ensure hands and ears are at room temperature before attempting to take an Energy Reading. The Energy Reading is conducted by placing our warm hands over our ears and cupping each for 5 to 10 seconds. Feel the energetic differences from one side to the other. You are measuring the energy of one side compared to the other and gauging dualities like past or present, yin or yang, active or passive. Note any differences in temperature or pressure from one ear to the other, or if both Ear-Boards feel equal in temperature or pressure. Does one ear feel more open/closed than the other? Is one ear hotter/colder than the other? Does one ear feel more active/blocked than the other? Or do your Ear-Boards feel equal?

The result of our Energy Reading forms the basis from which we can start to gauge our improvement and notice the energy shifting out of us throughout the Install.

For complete instructions on how to assess an Energy Reading, found in Chapter 5, please download your copy today!




Perfect to squeeze our ears by ~ just pinch along with the rhythm

Ear Reading


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July 2024

The Ear-Boards


The Ear-Boards

Envision a holographic keyboard laid over our ears. It gives us direct access to our body’s very own inner pharmaceutical company.

The layout of this keyboard is even ergonomically positioned for our ease and comfort! The only tools required are our fingers and our ears so the furthest away from this keyboard we ever get is within arms reach. How convenient is that!!

Split down the middle anatomically, half the keyboard is on one ear, and the other half is on the other ear. To make matters even simpler, the right ear corresponds to the right side of the entire body, and the left ear to the left side of the entire body.

Thanks to Dr. Paul Nogier, the Father of Auricular Acupressure, every single part the body, inside and out, has been anatomically mapped to corresponding areas on the ears. This map is so easy to read that even a child can do it! So clever of the Creator to thrown in fractals like this for us to utilize. In fact, in 1957, Dr. Nogier superimposed an inverted fetus over a diagram of the ear to map out the anatomical positioning of the body’s reflexes on the ears.

His approach led to the most accurate mapping yet created for the corresponding reflex points. The Ears can be used to diagnose and treat many conditions as published in 1992 by the World Health Organization (WHO report) following a 20 year study on the efficiency of the microsystem acupressure such as auricular acupressure. Over 150 known diagnosis and treatments that they did not tell the rest of the world about too broadly or we would not be in the sickness we are now.

Let's let this cat out of the bag!

Learn how to yourself!


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July 2024



Perfect to squeeze our ears by ~ just pinch along with the rhythm <3

The Microcosm


The Microcosms

Our ears house the Microcosms (mini-u) of our Macrocosm (big-u), mirroring everything about our physiology inside and out. The right Ear-Board houses every bit of us found on the right side of our body, and the left Ear-Board houses every bit of us found on the left side of our body. Our Microcosms are split down the middle of our body. 

Consequently there are some anatomical parts of us that are found only on one side of the body. The spleen, the gall bladder, the stomach for example, are found on the one side of the body only, so their mirroring reflex is found only on one ear microcosm, not both.

Some anatomical parts of us can be found on both ear microcosms since they are found on both sides of the body. Such examples are the lungs, the brain, the reproductive system, the digestive system, the urinary system.

While other anatomical parts of you are only partially on one side of your body and mainly on the other such as the pancreas, the the liver, the heart.

Regardless of where these anatomical parts of you are found on your body, the ear's entire surface is squeezed during an I AM HEALER Install, so all parts are covered in the systematic 7 Step Download - Reset your self from the inside out!

Learn how today!


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July 2024



Perfect to squeeze our ears by ~ just pinch along with the rhythm <3

The Macrocosm

I AM HEALER – The Macrocosm

Ancient Chinese teachings tell us that the two environmental signals, the Yang (masculine) and the Yin (feminine), must be in balance in order to achieve happiness and perfect health.

The imbalance of masculine versus feminine energy ratio in the world today is ravaging many corners of the world like a bad pestilence, which always devastates for profit. Ours is a bondage to a blood bathed, scarcity driven, fear mongering, patriarchal environment where we are caged in as society locks all believers into it's own little tailor made by design cells.

Maintaining the balance of these two environmental signals is said to be the blueprint for Awareness. It is obvious we have absolutely no control over external circumstances our society deems to be "civilized" at this era in time. Or rather, that is what they want you to think.

This is what I want you to think - The frequency modulators for your GREAT I AM are built right into the body for optimum convenience. I challenge to find a vaster, more effective way to re-balance your inner core Yin/Yang faster than squeezing your ears. I know it sounds preposterous so I will need to bend your reality a bit so you may "see" what I see.

I want you to think of it this way - your ear on your dominant side, the side your write with, represents your Yang side and the other ear is your non-dominant Yin side, so it's different for everybody. What is the same for everyone, is that regardless of what side is your Yin or Yang side is on, in a complete Install, you work (squeeze) both ears simultaneously, so you're all in!

You don't need any special skills or guru qualities to automatically return the Yin/Yang Sacred Balance to harmony inside and out by adjusting, with your ears, the frequency emitted by your electromagnetic torus field. You can adjust the frequency of any part of your electromagnetic being – your Macrocosm – with just a few clicks of the Microcosms: your EARS! You are rendered oblivious to any disharmony from external circumstances and plunged into BLISS. Some say it is sort of like creating our own reality bubble. What the bleep you say??

Simply download the Install today!

And then . . .
You’re IN!


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The Construct ~

1 ~ The Construct

When Neo was "plugged in" he was able to download the software for how to do Kung Fu. It may seem impossible but we can download the I AM HEALER software in very little time by tapping into the Ear-Boards. This powerful download resets and reboots our Power Plant, our Macrocosm, from the inside out.

Feeling clarity of thought, words and deeds, we vibrate at a frequency much more in harmony with the whole. Whatever the "whole" comprises for each of us - we are recalibrated to suit our environment or we are provided with the impetus to move away from a disharmonious environment if required. Moving ahead in life with intensity like that of lightening, at vertical speed rather than linear. Feeling alive and awake and knowing YOU are the ONE!

Download yours today


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We have these uber powerful tools on our head to REBOOT to BLISS with

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Our ears are connected to everything via our nervous system permitting us to easily REBOOT our entire being

The ears are situated outside the Pons location on this diagram. The ears are the first to receive the signal from the brain, then it signals the eyes, then down the spine the signal goes. The ears give you full access to your inner and outer self.

Your sympathetic (walking, talking/run mode) and your parasympathetic (rest and repair/safe mode) can be regulated with the set of ears attached to either side of your head. Brilliantly disguised as hearing apparatus they are devices capable of transforming your inner core vibration in synch with your environment. All with simple easy finger pressure techniques, you learn to reset you vibe to BLISS!

All without lotions potions needles or knives, just fingers and ears.

Download I AM HEALER - YOU are the ONE and Reboot to BLISS


De-Stress Candice

De-stress in 60 seconds flat… Follow Candis!!

Under tremendous stress recovering from reconstructive leg surgery Candis takes her healing into her own hands, so can you – YOU are the ONE!

T-Boned by a drunk driver Candis almost lost her life as her body was crushed by the impact, fortunately, her 3 years old daughter suffered no physical harm in the accident.

Our messengers of Faith and Hope and Clarity arrive to us in many shapes, sizes and colours. Candis, is a star example of how our greatest messengers can arrive on the scene - IF - we are brave enough to follow our heart's direction and go where it leads us. Knowing deep within our soul this is the right thing to do - sometimes against all reason, logic or odds.

I had returned to Canada in late June 2011 to assist my grandmother in her recovery, despite my broken finger I thought was just mangled and badly sprained at the time. They said not to bother coming, she would not likely last till I arrived - I called her and got the nurse to hold the phone to her ear and told her I was on my way, though I could not decipher a word she spoke they were babbles to my ears. Everyone had warned me before my arrival that she was very frail and would likely not survive at all. But she had stabilized enough they could operate on her and pinned and plated her hip back together and waited to see if she would come back. My grandmother has always been very healthy and a fighter and she proved everyone wrong. This story is about Candis and her recovery, but the reason I was in Canada at all was to assist my grandmother.

To be closer to the convalescence home my grandmother was eventually placed in, I rented a basement apartment nearby, foregoing my no-changes return ticket home to Ibiza, Spain to remain and help my eldest matriarch regain her health in any way that I could. The apartment was within walking distance and was owned by Candis and her husband who lived upstairs with their 4 year old daughter. I was totally absorbed in aiding my Memere and spent little time at my apartment but eventually I bumped into her one evening.

Candis had just returned from a therapy session as I was returning from my Memere's, when she first spoke to me about her condition. She had spent the last year learning to use her leg again, following it's reconstruction, after she was involved in a tragic accident leaving her on the brink of death. She and her daughter were in the car when a drunk driver T-boned her, crashing head on into the driver's side of Candis' car, crushing her left side in the impact. Her daughter was fortunately unharmed, thought they did not know if her mother would survive. She had massive head injuries, numerous other injuries, both internal and external, and her left leg had been mangled almost beyond recognition by the metal from her car door.

It was touch and go for quite a while, but eventually she slowly came back. When she stabilized from all her other injuries, they began reconstructing her leg with pins and plates from the hip down. She spent almost a year in hospital reconstructing, recovering, rehabilitating her leg and learning to walk on it again. I learned from her that day the tremendous progress she had made regaining the use of her leg though it was still rather stiff and inflexible especially at the knee, therefore the daily therapy. She was happy to now able to, mostly, keep up with caring for her young family again. Her main obstacle now was the chronic pain she felt from her daily therapy necessary to regain her full mobility. It made her miserable and cranky and she hated herself to be so short of temper and anti-social in such agonizing pain.

I was happy to inform her I could help her body heal tremendously and would be happy to show her how - I had just written a book on how to and she could be my first student. When she inquired about what I did, I told her I was an Ear Reflexologist that squeezes ears to kill pain, release endorphins, eliminate toxins and reset people's core vibration to BLISS. She looked at me rather incredulously and told me she had pain killers she could rely on to help her with that for now, but if she wanted her ears squeezed she'd let me know. I didn't take it personally - many people think I am overstating what ear squeezing can do for them - till they experience it for them self.

It was not until my roommate Rob allowed me to squeeze his ears and told her about his recovery that she graciously accepted my invitation to squeeze her ears. Rob, who was also in chronic pain and fearful of his reliance on the pain killers so amply supplied by the health care professionals looking after him, had fallen and injured his neck badly. I immediately offered to squeeze his ears of course, and he finally agreed to let me, even though he did not believe in any of that kinda stuff he said. But he had tried everything and since he did not want to execute his only other option, which was to refill his Oxycontin Rx, he agreed. Later that day he told our landlords about his amazing recovery.

Candis came to see me that evening to arrange to get her ears squeezed. The next day we began a series of 3 consecutive I AM HEALER Installs which killed her pain, returned her flexibility and made her jump with joy! She could not believe the relief ear squeezing offered her at first and thought it was all my doing, which it isn't. YOU are the ONE! It was not until she empowered herself by learning how to do her own ears that her belief level soared. She was able to transcend her pain was flexible and her life now could soar before her in perpetual BLISS!

I returned to Ibiza soon after we shot this video of her first I AM HEALER Install ~ where Candis teaches us how to do our own ears to "De-Stress in less than 60 seconds flat".

This video also covers the exact area treated in Step 1 of the complete I AM HEALER Install. There are 7 Steps in total. Anyone can easily master this first step and the other 6 are just as easy to maneuver. The choice is yours, take the blue pill or squeeze your ears~the red pill!

All you need are 4 players

2 hands and 2 ears and

You're IN!

Download your Install NOW!

Shoulder Reflex Point

Ear-Board Shoulder Pain Reflex for ligaments, tissue and joint pain.

Shoulder Reflex Point

Shoulder Reflex Point

This is but a drop in the ocean of one little spot found on our EAR to utilize anytime, anywhere on any creature with ears!!

Each part of our shoulder as shown in this diagram above can found in one wee microcosm spot marked with the small red dot on the Ear-Board diagram shown on the right. We use the right ear for the right shoulder, and the left ear for the left shoulder. Each shoulder can be treated by finger pressure applied to those wee spots.

Our shoulders are complex mechanisms that are essential to daily life. Be it an acute pain from overdoing it or a chronic long standing pain in our shoulders, when they hurt it is next to impossible to carry on with normal life functions.

Sore shoulders over a long period of time can also signify dysfunction in other parts of the body known as referral pain. Usually because we are missing the cues our body parts have sent us, like problems with digestion, heart, lungs of which the symptoms may be treated but not the cause. Another reason for the body to refer the pain may be that we have simply just ignored our bodily messages for too long, bloating, wheezing, constipation, diarrhea, bleeding - from anywhere, and the cause still festers compromising our vitality to the brink of annihilation, so our body speaks out by incapacitating us in a different anatomical spot to get our immediate attention and perhaps do something about it. An I AM HEALER Install accesses the root of the problem and systematically eradicates it for us.

This pain referral chart below indicates the organs to which the nervous system is connected and to where on our body the referred pain will show up when there is a serious problem. It is sort of the reverse concept of the signal sent to our the brain from a message it receives from outside of our body, for example: when we pinch our finger in the door, an external cause of pain sends a signal to our brain from the outside of us. Referred pain is a signal to our brain that we are hurting bad from the inside.


Referred Pain Chart

The MedRx would quickly have us (actually it already has a huge following) be dependent on a pharma cocktail of chemicals that block the pain receptors without addressing the cause. Leading to further degeneration of our core vibration because now, we are in no pain and can ignore the cause. Until some other part of us fails that is. The tonsils, the appendix, the gall bladder, the kidneys, the liver, but that will take loads of time, lots of money and tons more meds and procedures all Rx'd by of visits to the office of the MedRx.

Meanwhile, in some other part of our body the serious "cause" of it still brews.

Relying on, again more prescribed pharma cocktails to deal with the fallout of one organ or the malfunction of another, our vibration is further intercepted with the lotions, potions and implants of the MedRx and our vitality plummets even lower.

When we complain things are NOT improving when we learn we now have much worst issues elsewhere in our bodies we are told we are "aging", or that it is "normal for your age", or "what do you expect at your age". Sad thing is most people buy those arguments, but if you are reading this you are not one of those you know YOU are the ONE!

Before our vitality plummets to the point y need to be dissected and have some hardware adjustments or removal/transplant of obsolete body parts, learn how to do an I AM HEALER Install and reset the frequency around the cause of the problem returning it's vibration in synch with the whole.

You will learn how to systematically improve your "shoulder condition" with one I AM HEALER Install after another, as well as learn exactly how to spot treat your self in a moment of pain to eliminate it, with just your fingers and your ears. Easily and effortlessly, though the spot in question will hurt while the anatomical area remains out of balance, inflamed, or infected. Good thing is, when that reflex spot on your Ear-Board is pain free, so is your shoulder. Freely raise your arms up in the air and sway them on demand free from shoulder pain.

Download I AM HEALER now to learn how to activate your body's self healing mechanisms, and improve your overall state of WELL being.

May the FORCE be with you!



After you have completed the download will be able to become a member and gain access to a cornucopia of other reflexes found on your body to help with shoulder issues, and so much more....